Friday, September 28, 2007

Convict Dollar Bill Jefferson

William "Bill" Jefferson is a criminal. Buy this Convict Dollar Bill bumper sticker here.

Fix Our Streets!

Our politicians have allowed our streets to crumble and disintegrate. We need to force them to fix them. View this Fix Our Streets bumper sticker here.

Convict Morial!

Former Mayor Marc Morial is biding his time in New York waiting for the statute of limitations on the crimes he committed while Mayor to expire. Here is a link to this Convict Morial bumper sticker.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bobby Jindal!

Bobby Jindal is almost running unopposed for Governor of Louisiana. Obviously, he has opposition, but neither Walter Boasso nor John Georges have a chance of winning. This Bobby Jindal bumper sticker is available here.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Make Levees and War

We've all seen the Make Levees, Not War bumper sticker making a connection between the Iraq war and the levees that failed during Hurricane Katrina. The bumper sticker on the left is a response to that. Make Levees and War. Order it here.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Eddie Jordan Should Resign

There's no question that Eddie Jordan is an incompetent District Attorney for New Orleans. Lately, there have been more and more rumors that he is corrupt as well. Either way, he needs to go. Order this Eddie Jordan Should Resign bumper sticker here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

David Vitter is a Hypocrite

Order this David Vitter is a Hypocrite bumper sticker here.